The object of the game is to get the low score. A tournament consists of 1-9 rounds (or "holes"). Each round starts with 6 cards dealt to each player. Depending on Host Table Rules, players may have the option to turn over starting cards. Play then consists of each player (in turn) choosing the top card from the draw pile or the discard pile; and using that card to replace one of their 6 cards (or discarding the draw card if they don't want it). The game continues until one player goes out (has all six cards face up). The remaining players may get one final turn (depending on host option). They then turn up their remaining cards and tally their score.
Guests always play FREE. Guests are players who have been invited to play by the Table Host.
Who pays? Table hosts pay $48 for a full year to host a table. Host then invites 1-6 guests to play online. Try 2 weeks for only $2 to see if you like the game. Host fee allows you to host 1 table, which can be used to play any of our games ( Hand and Foot, Pinochle, 6 Card Golf, Up and Down the River, Lucky Paw, TallyHo the Marble game, and Route 66 ). Only 1 game of any type can be played at a time. Contact HostaGame @ for details.
No need to download an app. That's right. Many games played online require you to download an app from Google Play or Apple Store. This game is played online over the internet. No need for players to register or enter in special information such as credit card numbers.
Easy to play. The game is very user friendly. No complicated right click, left click, CTRL-Shift-Alt key combinations required. No need to drag or swipe anything from one point to another. Everything is done by either tapping your screen or by left clicking your mouse. For example, if you want to take a King from the discard pile you simply tap/click the King and then tap the spot (card) where you want the King to be placed.
Scoring is based on adding up the values of the cards in each column. Matching cards in a column have a zero score. Remaining cards are scored at face value (Aces: 1 point, 2-9: 2-9 points, Ten: 10 points, Jack: 11 points, Queen: 12 points, King: zero points, and Jokers: minus 2 points). The game does the scoring for you.
Table rules set by host. Table host sets options which include such things as how many people are playing, how many cards (if any) are turned over at start of game, whether the player who goes out first is "handicapped" with a 5 point penalty for every player that ties or beats them that round, whether or not each player gets a final turn after someone goes out, whether players will compete as teams or as individuals, as well as choosing which player goes first.
Team Scramble is more like "best ball" or "best hole" team scoring. Players are divided into two teams (odd vs even player numbers). Each player plays their own cards each round (or "hole"). The team score for that round is the lowest score of it's team members. (Note: The handicapping penalty is not used in Team Scramble.)
Cards running low? Table host chooses whether to have 1 deck of cards per every 2, 3, or 4 players. So there should be plenty of cards, but in the event that the draw pile runs low, the discard pile will be shuffled and added to the draw pile.
Relaxed mode. The host can choose a relaxed mode where the number of cards of each rank in the discard pile are listed. This helps a player determine whether or not the card they are looking for might still be available in the draw pile. Of course, it might be one of the hidden cards in a player's hand.
Play on almost any device. Requires online internet connection and a browser (Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, Firefox, Samsung Internet, Chrome, etc.) The browser needs to have Javascript enabled on it (this should be a browser setting). We have played this game using desktops and laptops, Chromebooks, iPads, tablets, iPhones, and Smartphones but we recommend using devices with a minimum of 8 inch screens to avoid too much scrolling. We have found that a 10 inch tablet/iPad display screen works quite well. Some users have reported that very old devices are not able to play the game. Generally if your device can still be updated then you should have no problem playing the game.
What's missing, different, or difficult?
1) Each player should have their own device (PC, laptop, tablet, iPad, etc), and that device MUST have an online internet connection (no solitair or stand-alone play).
2) The game does not include any form of chatting, texting or messaging between players. Players need to use a separate audio connection (such as phone, facetime, discord, zoom, etc) to chat with other players.
No ads. And there are no ads, pop-up or otherwise.